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 Post subject: EESE
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:47 am 
In youz forumz bein youz Pepsiz
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Just started the Engineering education scheme with my school and the company Ricoh 8)
I dont know if any of you have heard of it but basically companies take on school teams of around 4, give them a brief for a project and set them on their way.
Last year our schools project was implemented onto the production line at ricoh and according to the factory manager will save them £30+ K a year in resources.

Our task is not quite as glamorous as last years but apparently is much harder. We're developing a automated packing tape dispenser :roll: This has to cut mm perfect, cut and dispense that proper hard fiberous tape which pee's u off when u get a new TV.

The device is gonna be linked to a PC via Serial port and will also include a barcode reader embedded into the system, We're going to have to write the program to control it (visual basic probs), build the device itself, test it, then present it to Richoh.

It's a big task and it should be really interesting, so i thought i would make this post and upload some pics every now and again (Like gramps shed lol)

So yeah we start final design stage next week and then start orderin parts and doin all the programming
I'm sure i'll be on with various problems involvin the program etc
Hit http://www.engineering-education.org.uk/ if you wanna know more about the scheme
heheeee im well excited :lol:


Diablo-X =GCHQ= wrote:
you need to improve your jokes, making them funny is crucial,

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 Post Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:39 am 
Comin' outta Gallifrey
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sounds great- done by the guys behind YINI too. Enjoy.

Though...visual basic for system control? :shock:

“There are some people in this world who don’t love their fellow man, and I HATE people like that!”

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 Post Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:16 pm 
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elbow=GCHQ= wrote:
sounds great- done by the guys behind YINI too. Enjoy.

Though...visual basic for system control? :shock:

Hey! I was writing RS232 based control systems in VB for 7 years, It's perfectly up to the job. C# ftw though.

Don't worry Sony, I'll just cancel my date of birth and get a new one.

 Post subject: Re: EESE
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:16 am 
In youz forumz bein youz Pepsiz
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haha didnt update as often as i'd hoped

but our project is nearly completed!

We're presenting it this wednesday

I jus finished the 22 page presentation and 6 A2 presentation boards

I'll post up some pics etc and the program we wrote to control our glorified roll of tape if anyone is interested


Diablo-X =GCHQ= wrote:
you need to improve your jokes, making them funny is crucial,

 Post subject: Re: EESE
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:48 am 
V is for Vociferate
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Sounds interesting


 Post subject: Re: EESE
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:02 pm 
Made in Taiwan
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Joined: Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:14 pm
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Lets see it then.

Don't worry Sony, I'll just cancel my date of birth and get a new one.

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