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 Post subject: OOXML standard vote down to the wire
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:02 pm 
The Groundkeeper
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Whats this all about then?

And..... For all the poor deluded people who cannot think outside the Microsoft box... here is a roundup of current events: The world grew weary of being forced to support and grovel at Microsoft's feet in order to communicate and read all their old (no, not just old, ALL) their documents, so they developed and standardized a document format that anyone anywhere in the world could use anytime for free (including Microsoft, by the way), and all documents would be compatible (interoperable is the new catch-word). Some Governments even made it mandatory that all public documents use this (free open) standard document format.

Microsoft is not about to sit still and watch their established document format monopoly lock-in be compromised and cost them a few Government contracts, so they are pulling out the stops and using any form of bribery, threat, blackmail, lies, framing innocent people, or any other form of chicanery they can conjure up to have their proprietary document format be declared to be the "official standard" (so they can seize official Government contracts, see?). Since they are not encumbered by ethics (making money is their one and only goal, as many many of their disciples have reiterated), there is no limits to what they will do.

If Microsoft wins, this means more taxes for citizens around the world (the more money your Government is forced to forfeit to Microsoft, the more tax you will pay), and more limitations on communication (no document compatibility unless you fork over even more loot to Microsoft).

So if you are for higher taxes, less freedom, and restricted communications, and wish to support Microsoft (poor things had less than 50 billion $$$$$$$$$ cash, last I heard, not counting Billy's and Stevie's personal fortunes), by all means continue sending them your money and prostrate yourself toward Redmond. I'm sure Billy and Stevie will appreciate it, and dine sumptuously on your money.


Microsoft has already stated their intent to refine the subscription based model to the point of making the OS a subscription-based "service". (Simply put: eventually you'll pay MS a regular bill for the privilege of using your own hardware.) Anything they do, then, in my own common sense, is in that direction.

Subscription based windows hmmmm :?


 Post subject: Re: OOXML standard vote down to the wire
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:23 am 
Comin' outta Gallifrey
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mmmm, crossovers...

as far as I knew the ooxml standards things were plodding along quite nicely....

“There are some people in this world who don’t love their fellow man, and I HATE people like that!”

 Post subject: Re: OOXML standard vote down to the wire
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:35 pm 
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My impression is like this. M$ are kindly providing a document format that anyone can use and are eager for it to be taken up as a standard so as not to end up with another propriatry format. If the standard is agreed then we can use an Open Source alternative applications to view any future Office file natively, without filters and licences etc. This is a good thing yes? The writer of the quoted article seems to think this not the case.

Don't worry Sony, I'll just cancel my date of birth and get a new one.

 Post subject: Re: OOXML standard vote down to the wire
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:12 pm 
Comin' outta Gallifrey
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the docx format etc are readable by openoffice with a bit of tweaking, so it's not like they're encrypted either...

“There are some people in this world who don’t love their fellow man, and I HATE people like that!”

 Post subject: Re: OOXML standard vote down to the wire
 Post Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:35 pm 
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gmar=GCHQ= wrote:
My impression is like this. M$ are kindly providing a document format that anyone can use and are eager for it to be taken up as a standard so as not to end up with another propriatry format. If the standard is agreed then we can use an Open Source alternative applications to view any future Office file natively, without filters and licences etc. This is a good thing yes? The writer of the quoted article seems to think this not the case.

The point is that ODF is already a clearly defined open-source document format ratified very recently. OOXML is poorly defined and subject to changes at microsofts whim. What passes as OOXML today will not be the OOXML of tomorrow. So once all the governments have bought their shiny expensive contracts from MS the format will subtly change over time until it is no longer possible for the open-source software providers to use it.

At this point it will be dropped as a standard because it is no longer in compliance with the original ISO standards definition of OOXML (MS will probably change the name to OOXMLv2), but by that point MS don't really give a crap because they have successfully locked the entire business world into yet another shitty format for another decade. Thus ensuring their office revenues stream for years to come.

/end rant

It's exactly this sort of thing that earnt Microsoft their bad reputation in the first place. People don't just hate them because they are a successful monopoly, it's how they achieved that monopoly in the first place that grates :rambo:

 Post subject: Re: OOXML standard vote down to the wire
 Post Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:20 pm 
Humping a Super Model
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Holy Monkey =GCHQ= wrote:
It's exactly this sort of thing that earnt Microsoft their bad reputation in the first place. People don't just hate them because they are a successful monopoly, it's how they achieved that monopoly in the first place that grates :rambo:

Ah so that's why people hate microsoft, I used to hate my sister for the same reason, I'm sure she used to keep some money from the bank under the table.

Never could prove it though :evil:

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