happyslappy wrote:
small powerfull computer under the tv with myth TV
NAS box in another room ?
Tried mythtv with alot of frustration but is the "media centre"-type solution. May give it another crack

Have recently tried kaffeine with Ubuntu and works a charm. Records at 51.6Mb/min (just tested it

) in either std def and HD channels.
LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
A minimum of 240 hours of recording space, consideration for HD capacity at a later date.
Which means 3.096Gb/hour which means about 12.5Gb free space is required minimum. Approx. 80hours for a 250Gb hard drive, so whack in a 500Gb.
LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
Standard format TV interface (for example, SCART, component), plus HD format interface for future requirements (HDMI presumably).
Not sure if you can get HDMI gfx cards but tbh, DVI=HDMI, just alot smaller. Same leads/connections, just smaller connection. Hopefully the telly has DVI connection. You should be able to easily source a DVI>HDMI lead anyway.
LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
RAID 5. Now, RAID 5 would rule out a slimline box next to the telly unless it's possible to link it all up to a separate box elsewhere?*
Raid 5 for a slimline = Drobo or eSATA headers with SATA enclosures (if mobo supports 6 eSATA drives) - they would be a bit more afordable

but the drobo would be a neater solution

LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
A Dual layer DVD recorder, with uprgradable to Blu-Ray in future.
Blu-Ray SATA drives should be a reality already but my question is the throughput in the FSB for Blu-Ray. Then there's the media cost - but is there ANY blank Blu-Ray media?

SATA optical drive should be fine

LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
Output to 2 TVs plus recording of 2 channels additionally, so 4 tuners I presume.*
Four tuners would be correct, unless you get a double header card. You can get Dual DVB-T PCI-E cards that can show one channel and record the other and most mobos have 2xPCI-E
LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
A simple interface with a channel guide, series link, etc.*
Good luck with that

You MAY be able to get LIRC to work with an IR remote in Ubuntu.
In summary, if Ubuntu with kaffeine or the mythbuntu solution doesn't work, may I suggest Vista Home Premium? If going this option, make sure the tuners are Media Centre compliant for easier build

Good luck and it's nice ur paying for it Beefy!

Nice touch