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Is vista already going to be outdated ?
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Author:  TStrike [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Is vista already going to be outdated ? ... wup_1.html :roll:

Author:  Tao [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmmmn maybe should change to title to is Vista the new Windows ME

Author:  #ego [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:05 pm ]
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Vista isn´t a second Windows ME and I don´t see why it should. Just because MS took a few years to release Vista and is now back on time shedule to release a new OS.

Author:  triple nickel [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey hey

just gimme a good dam floppy disk with youre god ol window 1.0

runs perfekt

Author:  Johns [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:19 pm ]
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ye but wasn;t vista suppsoe to be out a few years ago. and just got delayed loads.

Expect the new one in 2011

Author:  #ego [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:51 pm ]
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Microsoft tried a few things out like WinFS which they failed at, UAC and Vista´s Kernel has been updated which probably took them too long. As a programmer myself I know how frustating programming can be but programming a OS is hard work.

Author:  triple nickel [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:54 pm ]
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so ur responsible for ms crappy products huh ?

Author:  Tao [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:49 pm ]
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#ego wrote:
Vista isn´t a second Windows ME and I don´t see why it should. Just because MS took a few years to release Vista and is now back on time shedule to release a new OS.

I dunno, having tried it after Xp, it reminds me of ME, a lot of bloatware for the sake of trying to make the screen look nicer with not enough added benefits to justify the drag on resources.
Its take up seems to be slow, and now its looking almost like a stop gap till the new Windows, sorta reminds me of ME during the change to 2000.

Author:  #ego [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

triple nickel =GCHQ= wrote:
so ur responsible for ms crappy products huh ?

As I work in a big company like MS it might be :)

Yes, Vista seems bloated but that is just a point of view. It also seems to use a lot of resources which it actually is but that is something like preloading files. Vista caches them to load them faster. It also depends on how much RAM you have. I recommend at least 2 GB of RAM or it won´t be fun to use it. It might seem like I defend Vista or MS but that is not it. Personally I´m not using Vista at home but I have installed it numerous times and configured it also and the changes are under the hood.

Author:  elbow=GCHQ= [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:17 pm ]
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#ego wrote:
Yes, Vista seems bloated but that is just a point of view.

From Maddog's point of view I'm tiny, but I still tower over Rosie...

I liked ME :(

Author:  Rainbow Dave =GCHQ= [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Running the latest SP1 beta and things seem quite a bit smoother. :D

Author:  Tao [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Had the 2 gig of RAm, but day to day its been less stable, and had more niggles than XP on the same system. I actually like some of the feature on Vista, but day to day it drives me mad.

Author:  #ego [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I remember the day as XP came out and everything was unstable too. I thought "OMG what a crappy OS pew pew" but times have changed. The SP1 coming out in a few weeks is adding stability and bug fixes. Give it a try if you have spare time Tao :)

Author:  Rainbow Dave =GCHQ= [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:57 pm ]
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#ego wrote:
The SP1 coming out in a few weeks is adding stability and bug fixes. Give it a try if you have spare time Tao :)

The beta? As Microsoft is planning to release SP1 alongside Windows Server 2008 in the first quarter of 2008.

Author:  gemma=GCHQ= [ Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Creating Vista was a huge project when every line of code was rewritten using .net tech. It may look like XP but thats just skin deep, give it time it'll be great. Its not so much the new ME and the new NT 3.51. (which looked like win3.1 but definitely wasn't)

The next release will undoubtably build upon the new base and give us all those nice features that were missed out.

Most of what is "wrong" with Vista is the drivers and they are written by other people.

I have just started studying WWF, WPF and WCF at my new job, (google them). All three, WPF in partictular will revolutionise the was program look and are written, amazing stuff not to be sniffed at. This interacts with Aero at a low level so we will see in the future apps which use the new tech, right now there aren;t any, so aero ends up loking like a white elephant, its not! Just wait and see, time will tell.

ps I am not Chad ok!


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