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Boot times
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Author:  Caspius=GCHQ= [ Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Boot times

Some computers are never turned off, or at least rarely see any state less active than "standby," but others (for power savings or other reasons) need rebooting — daily, or even more often. The New York Times is running a short article which says that it's not just a few makers like Asus who are trying to take some of the pain of waiting computers, especially laptops, to boot up. While it's always been a minor annoyance to wait while a computer slowly grinds itself to readiness, "the agitation seems more intense than in the pre-Internet days," and manufacturers are actively trying to cut that wait down to a more bearable length. How bearable? A "very good system is one that boots in under 15 seconds," according to a Microsoft blog cited, and an HP source names an 18-month goal of 20-30 seconds.

110 seconds here (including 10 sec boot menu) from switch on the hard drive stop flashing. :thumbd: 15 seconds, maybe on a four gig quad core clean install me thinks...

Author:  Chips=GCHQ= [ Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boot times

We've grown so intolerant of even the smallest delays... and not just referring to computer boot times!

Author:  Lur =GCHQ= [ Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boot times

Caspius=GCHQ= wrote:
110 seconds here (including 10 sec boot menu) from switch on the hard drive stop flashing. :thumbd: 15 seconds, maybe on a four gig quad core clean install me thinks...

yup. my pc when first restarted after installing was giving a boot up time, from hitting the power button to the desktop environment being usable, of around 35 seconds...i was well's now slowed to about 45 i think...all the crap iv'e installed now.

Author:  EkO=GCHQ= [ Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Boot times

I need a calender to time mine now, I need to get to menu to select between linux and vista etc......*yawns*

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