Apocalypse=GCHQ= wrote:
GTA IV is going to be awesome.
It's not the same as the others either
a lot of stuff has been reworked.
no gun shops.
no more stars when the police are following you.
works on a radius of search which the cops will look for you in....everytime they see you the radius centres on top of you
(the game's
designers accidently got killed by police during a demo
no getting super rich.....you just go from a poor russian...to a kind of
less poor russian
no more frantically hijacking cars and getting away with it.
no more convienintly open cars with keys in the ignition. (need to smash the window and hotwire it
sure there's plenty more they havent mentioned yet
That's not the GTA I grew up with
Although GTA3 was a revolutionary game, and there was 3 similar games before it (If you count the London add on a game).
I guess it's time for a change.
Apparently it's going to be one of the best looking next gen games too, although I'm still entertained by the original so it doesn't matter so much to me.