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 Post subject: anyone getting a ps3?
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:14 am 
Bow down to the master
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while you're waiting, here's a little song

i cant wait

mmmmYou sir, are a swaggering addlepated jackanapes!

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 Post Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:57 am 
Coming out soon...

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lmao!! thats brilliant :D:D:P

- That boy NEEDS to look at porn, if only to try and fake being interested in women :D
- We could rename it to "slayers love life" but that was dead before it even started

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 Post Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:26 am 
Bow down to the master

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nintendogs and soft-fanboys make their brands look bad... shouldnt adults know better?

quote Way_Dragon: "Rush requires movement."

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 Post Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:04 pm 
Made in Taiwan
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Don't worry Sony, I'll just cancel my date of birth and get a new one.

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 Post Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:19 pm 
Yarrr ye dogs
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Huh, and it was only a few years a go when the Xbox was a 'brick' compared to the PS2...

So futile, it's just kids arguing over who's toy is better, when really it's all the same. All that matters is the games that are produced.

Oh and there's nothing wrong with buying a considerably cheaper second hand console... all mine still work :wink:


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 Post Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:05 am 
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Gonna buy one..to my kids :D

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 Post Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:00 am 
not taking digs at just Sony but from them i have heard everything. ie remember when Tekken was first shown on the ps2 everyone was WOW look at that the crowd is in 3d too and everything looks so great and then when it came out it looked not even 10% like that. its just total hype to sell the console to unsuspecting customers. False advertising and it is totally unethical. I was at a game store yesterday and i saw some dirt track racing game and it looked quite frankly mediocre. I have seen and played many games for the ps3 and the hype just leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth.

PS3 = Disappointing. Total hype like the emotion engine was! DON'T OVER HYPE THE PRODUCT! TELL US WHAT IT IS GOING TO DO NOT WHAT YOU WANT US TO BELIEVE YOU CAN MAKE IT DO. Developers don't have the time to shade every blade of grass and they don't have the financial backing to do so either. yawn make programing easier and the games will get better with the times saved on mundane tasks. SONY SHOULD LISTEN TO DEVELOPERS MORE. RANT OVER!

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 Post Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:03 pm 
Bow down to the master

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so sony does all that but microsoft and nintendo dont ?


Im not a Tekken fan either..but saying it shouldnt been hyped is ridiculous

btw, the mudracing game is motorstorm, its a decent and fun game

quote Way_Dragon: "Rush requires movement."

I make pain come happen.

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 Post Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:30 pm 
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[YSiM]COBRApt=GCHQ= wrote:
Gonna buy one..to my kids :D

yyyeeaaaasss.....it's for the kids :wink: :lol:


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 Post Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:42 pm 
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Might do.....however it is a bit pricey, would rather spend that money on a comp/comp gear tbh....but we'll see.

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 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:08 pm 
I really have not seen Nintendo hype up their Wii have you?

Microsoft yeah

this was a PS3 topic so I kept it to Sony

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 Post Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:42 pm 
Yarrr ye dogs
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I think it's more the game developers that over hype the games, I'm sure you remember the 'noturious' CoD2 advert, and thats multi platform. Another example being the Halo 3 adverts and the Resi 5 advets.

Developers have been using FMV for ages now, only difference is back in the days of PS, N64, Sega, people couldn't imagine ingame graphics as those in the FMV's, but now, the graphics are getting quite similar, and we're complaining because we want it just like that, since it seems possible now.

Sony and Microsoft are just as bad as each other, and it really is for them a battle of who gets our money. ;)


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 Post Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 9:04 pm 
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I do have alot of friends that have the Wii

I personally don't like consoles that much tbh, so if we do get another, it will be the kids that decide which one we get.

But atm the PS2 is just fine.

(I do wish they would release halo 2 out on PC though :wink: )

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 Post Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:32 pm 
Bow down to the master
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LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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 Post Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:55 am 
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hhehehhe, my mate gets one tomoro, hes spent £500 on it including games ect.

I just sent him a link to that vid :twisted:

I've been converted by my other freind who has a 360. Might buy one when the price goes down...


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