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COD 5 - Beta review
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Author:  Joo [ Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  COD 5 - Beta review

I got a COD 5 Beta key.... actually two of them, but sorry the other is already promised to someone.

Recon plane for UAV
Artilery for Airstrike
freaking attack dogs instead of a chopper... I thought when I first used them that it was going to stupid but they are crazy nuts badass, really hard to stop, and theres like 15 to 20 of them at a time.

The Artilery is a biatch as well, there like a barrage of 8 to 10 shots, but it shows the shells coming in on the kill cam so thats cool.

So far same perks as COD4... as most predicted sniping is dialled way down and unless you have steady aim, stopping power, and deep breath on its really hard to hit anything.

Sniping was replaced by rediculus BR and machine gun, apparently at the last rank or so you can lug a Browning 50 cal around with you, but im not sure how accurate that is as those things weigh like 45 pounds, you would definately have to set it down to shoot.

Well thats my initial review, but they badly need to work on some of the maps, you can get hung on everything. and flak jacket and jugernaut seem to wrok about the same even though they are supposed to be for two different things.

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