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 Post subject: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:19 pm 
Humping a Super Model
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 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:17 pm 
call me J-Lo ;-)
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 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:12 am 
a norweigen silly curtain loving bitch
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lol no wonder bush got re-elected.

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 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:39 am 
Pure sex on legs

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how many sides has a triangle got XD XD


 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:05 am 
a norweigen silly curtain loving bitch
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its scary that this is the most "powerfull" nation of the world...

but think about it...

how smart is the most popular bully at your local school?

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 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:20 am 
I'm ghey 4 teh Hoff!
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Easy picture to paint. You could do the same in the UK - just don't show the ones that got it right :thumbl:

 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:18 am 
Saints ftw!!
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Chips=GCHQ= wrote:
You could do the same in the UK

You could do the same just at my work, only percentagewise they'd look stupider :P

Insert unfunny comment here ->

 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:50 am 
an unsung hero!
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OK ... is United States Of America a country? ...... or is it that America is the country
the USA takes in Alaska which is a country?

its like saying United kingdom is a country where it is not ... UK is England Wales Scotland & Norther Ireland ....

So Who's the stupid now ..... or have i got it wrong

"If your going to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite."- Winston Churchill
three and a half foot long??? dude, it could have swallowed you whole! 3jorn=GCHQ=

 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:22 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:02 pm 
Telegram from the queen to mark 100

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"star wars is based on a true story, True or False" rofl!


 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:42 pm 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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Ok Ok. I am sure if they ask the same questions to people in other countries and you would get similar results. All americans are not the stupid, quite a few are, but not all of us, Bush is actually a decently smart guy, probably a lot smarter than a lot of us on here.

There is a vid like this one with euro trash (using the term to refer to the dumbasses amoung you, not all of you, before any of you get your panties in a wad :thumbr: ) asked the same questions and you get pretty much the exact same answers.

That being said America...... and GB for that matter tends to have an heir of agrogance of either ruleing the world or once ruling the world, making them think they do not have to learn anythign about it, because they believe that the world is supposed to be molded around them.

But whatever, those poeple in the vid are retarded, and im sure someone will have some (im always right) come back to my middle ground statement. :thumbr:

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 Post subject: Re: haha dumb people
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:31 pm 
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I think we're already there Joo, i.e. we know it. Post is titled 'dumb people', not 'Americans are dumb'. The other posts make the same point as you anyway. :wink:

Funny vid. Though, can't believe an adult wouldn't know how many sides a triangle has. Been doctored a bit.



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