Gamecommunity =GCHQ=

Wii - November 24th - £149?!
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Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Tongeh=GCHQ= wrote:
tjolbi... a console really becomes VERY desirable when a game is exclusive to it.. you MUST have that console to play that game.. therefore if a game is available on any console, you DONT need a wii to play one...
if you could play the game on the ps3 for 600 euros or on the wii for 200 euros i'll go for the wii tbh ;)
but i wasn't talking about exclusive games, i was talking about the "the wii is a kiddy console with nothing but kids games". the wii may have kiddy games but it has loads of "grown up" games aswell, and so has the ps3 and so has the pc, but you don't call them kiddy?

if sony or microsoft could get the rights for pokemon for an xbox or playstation game they would start develloping in no time, it brings in loads of money and you don't think they would skip that because it's kiddy do you? :roll: :wink:

Author:  Tongeh [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:44 am ]
Post subject: 

i thought i was discussing 'gamecube' games being kiddy, and that i feared the worst for Wii if Nintendo hadn't changed.. don't recall specifically pointing at Wii and saying this? Am i losing the plot here? :(

isnt the wii running 480p not 1080(ps3) and only 'twice' as powerful as the gamecube...? personally i'd choose the middle ground... Xbox 360 nestled nicely in the lounge by my TV.. streaming video wireless from my windows pc to my Telly.. HD-DVD upgrade on the way.. 720p.. welcome to HiDef console gaming...

i'm thinking the PS3 will be overpriced overkill... too much for a 'games console' and trying a little too hard maybe.. remains to be seen how Sony's Blu-Ray takes off.. but their 'own format' history isn't so good (betamax/minidisc/UMD)


i did however.. find this!!

Downloadable Content NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, Turbo Grafx w00t

Author:  Scorchedbee =GCHQ= [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

totally agree with tongeh, i have a 360 and really love it, xbox live is great and stable due to the fact its been "tested" on the original xbox.

the PS2 online was utter crap, so there having to put in the hard work here to play catch up, never mind be better.

HOWEVER i will be getting a wii, (i need a wii ;) < geddit ) i not only think the console aesthetics look nice, but man do some of them games look fun, and besides if you dont like the motion stuff theres a normal controller aswell, and your old cube controllers work, its online and super cheap so wii + 360 FTW!

Author:  Tjolbi=GCHQ= [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tongeh=GCHQ= wrote:
isnt the wii running 480p not 1080(ps3) and only 'twice' as powerful as the gamecube...? personally i'd choose the middle ground... Xbox 360 nestled nicely in the lounge by my TV.. streaming video wireless from my windows pc to my Telly.. HD-DVD upgrade on the way.. 720p.. welcome to HiDef console gaming...

aye the wii "only" runs at 480p, but i'm a student, i can't afford to spend 1000 euros on a hd tv just so it can have some more detail. i'm going to buy me a nice and semi cheap normal tv for 200 euros and it'll look more than good enough for me. i've never been able to play games at full settings (at least not when they're still new) and i don't mind either, if the games are fun who cares about the graphics. :)

i did however.. find this!!

Downloadable Content NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, Turbo Grafx w00t

what's a turbo grafx? :oops:

Author:  Cliche [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

NEC pc engine (my dream for many a year in the 8 bit days)

Author:  Apocalypse [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Going to avoid the confusing word "kiddy"....
will use childish & easy instead :P

i dont agree with singling out GC for having Childish games
PS2 has mary Kate and ashley as well as Barbie and barney ffs :lol:

Compare Mario Sunshine to Mario 64....The difficulty level between the two is massive...Mario 64 took some effort to get every star...and solve all the puzzles.
Luigis mansion is ridiculously easy aswell...

The "exceptions" i was talking about were, Zelda, Metroid, etc...

Every other platform has just as many "kiddy" games.

with regards Pokemon games.....
i dont care if i'm using sesame street characters....
who cares :wink:

A good game is a good game.

Author:  Deathstorm [ Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tongeh wrote:

(remember.. I am superman... you'll need Kryptonite)

I'd rather get Lobo instead.

I already have a pre-order down for a Wii so no doubt I shall be getting one. I do have doubts with the motion sensing, especially with Twilight Princess. I'm too used to the Wind Waker's controls on the GameCube and in a pretty intense battle, my arms would be killing me. Hopefully I'll be able to try it out before I get the game.

Author:  elbow=GCHQ= [ Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can I plug into DVI or VGA?

(please say no or I might have to buy one... :oops: )

Author:  Deathstorm [ Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

For the Wii it's composite or component only, I'm afraid.

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