To make WOT a better experience and help you in battles, you can use various addons/mods that will make the experience even better.
first - the reticle.... as currently used by many players... found here (it also increases zoom out value on maps)

zoomed out (thats me...dead [flash=]

link to info and downloadsecond - arty reticle and time to target/distance/reload timer
llink to info and downloadthird - hd mini map (replaces the original mini map with a clearer map/tank icons)
link to info and downloadforth - Damage indicator (replaces original - more accurate direction)
Download and infothere are more mods/addons... but those IMO are the most useful.
where to unzip the files too?
read the info on the download page.
(make a backup of the res_mods folder before you do anything))install the jimbo's recticle mod before other mods... then let other mod files overwrite.(thats the only way the Arty mod will work.)
all those work with 8.xx WOT and should do with the next patch/DL.


Went to a zoo, they only had one animal there, a dog............. It was a shitzu....
I’z leakin… bring amberlamps