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hardrive problems
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Author:  [UCF] grego [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  hardrive problems

Hey guys. I'v had this problem for ages but now its just started to get to me ecause i keep running outta space. I have a winXP pro running on my pc and have a Maxtor 6Y250M0 250gb hardrive. This hardrive is partitioned one is
127gb abd the other 105gb. Anyone knoe where to find the rest of my space??

thanks, grego

Author:  Chadk [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:32 am ]
Post subject: 

There is no "rest space".

When you buy a harddisc, lets say 250 for example, a few gb of the harddrive you simply cant use.

So you better go and buy a new disc.

Author:  Myx [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:37 am ]
Post subject: 

It all depends on the cluster size. By default, I'm pretty sure Windows XP NTFS uses 4KB clusters. So any files that don't fit exactly into 4KB chunks will have a small remainder that doesn't fill the last 4KB cluster, but it will still be marked as full. If you have thousands of files then you will appreciate that you will lose a lot of space like this.

If you want to change the cluster size etc, then I recommend you download Maxtor Maxblast bootable ISO and format your HDD using that.

I also recommend that because it looks like you hit the 127GB size limit on one of your partitions? XP SP1 then SP2 were supposed to fix this issue but as usual, there are some drives that it still happened on, Maxtors being the main ones. I have a 300GB SATA Diamondmax 10, and needed Maxblast to format it so Windows could see it as a 300GB partition (though it's actually 279GB because of the cluster size ;))

Author:  [UCF] grego [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok thanks alot guys :)

Author:  PARABOLIC [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

also when they say "250gb" they are meaning 1000kbs to a meg, wheres the real number is 1024, therefore its less.

Author:  Disco_jim [ Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

as we are talking hdds, I've got a 250gb maxtor and want to get another for storage cos im filling it up quite quickly with ... stuff. (not pron). I've decided i really dont like maxtor.

what do people recomend? what do people have?

Author:  Mike=GCHQ= [ Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:02 am ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Disco_jim [ Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:07 am ]
Post subject: 

yep. Got to love SATA, hot-swappable FTW :)

Author:  elbow=GCHQ= [ Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

250 GB = 250 000 000 000 bytes

= 232 gigabytes

as rqd =D

its bloody stupid that they sell them in 1000s of bytes but measure them in 1024s of bytes on teh comptuer!

the disk cluster thing can be solved (though its not worth it) by compressing the drive, so that it treats all the likkle text files as one big file

Author:  Arma [ Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Disco_jim wrote:
what do people recomend? what do people have?

Western Digital ftw (have had loads of drives, problems with ibm (now hitachi i think) maxtor, quantum and seagate but never wd :D)

Author:  Myx [ Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Arma =GCHQ= wrote:
Disco_jim wrote:
what do people recomend? what do people have?

Western Digital ftw (have had loads of drives, problems with ibm (now hitachi i think) maxtor, quantum and seagate but never wd :D)

IBM Deskstar = IBM Deathstar :P

Author:  elbow=GCHQ= [ Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

i like maxtor, but my samsung drive i've got atm int too bad

hitatchi do make good drives (most portable drives are hitachi)

Author:  gemma=GCHQ= [ Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't have any probs with my linux pc, I use reiser fs which is a journaling file system. This means each write is a fully transactional data update, meaning if a power failure occurs during a write on next bootup all of the incomplete transactions can be rolled back. This mean basically much less chance of errors. Combining this with samba its a great way to use the linux pc as Network addressed storage. Stick all you disks in there, format in reiser (or ext3) and share em. No probs with any sized disk either and good efficient use of space as well. Win Win. Of course I use NTFS for my gaming PC. :D

Author:  simon [ Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I'd take SATA, but my board only supports IDE... >.>

Author:  PARABOLIC [ Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Kimck 098 wrote:
I'd take SATA, but my board only supports IDE... >.>

it dones't make a difference mate.

SATA / PATA , either one you will see no difference in drive speed.

Only advantage the SATA is most of the newest drives are being released in SATA only.

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