looks good...got that mobo and its perfect if you dont you'll need two pci-e slots.
have you got any parts you can use in the new pc? ( i used the sound card, monitor and ram from old pc which lowered my costs)
When i got advice for my pc a few people said that memory would not be a major performance booster ingames-so if you have some older memory, why not use that time being and get a better cpu (for the extra 60 quid you could get a 3500 or 3700 which might make more of a difference)
I was going to say get an x8000gto2 like me for gaming over the 7600 on grounds of better performance even if it doesnt have sm3 but to be fair, its been serious hassle (theres a duff variation that many places sell...finally got the right one and pipes unlocked to 16 and oc'd 550/1160 stable at a reasonable temp on stock cooling!)
Basically thats a good system but id advise if you can, not to spend money on components that are easily transfered and get better core components. But at the end of the day in terms of bang for buck, thats plenty of bang