Gamecommunity =GCHQ=

OpenDNS in Firefox annoyance. (Fixed)
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Author:  Diablo-X [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  OpenDNS in Firefox annoyance. (Fixed)

This is sorted now btw.

Ok so as of the past week, everytime I type something into my address bar, e.g 'photobucket', instead of it taking me straight there, it now brings me to some other websearch website called OpenDNS.

Pretty sure it's spyware or something but just wondering if anyone knows how to get rid of it easily?


Author:  [QBS]Dr.Strangelove [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:58 am ]
Post subject: 

did you type photobucket then hit Ctrl & enter?


having just tried myself, just by typing photobucket it went straight to the website, so yes you have gremlins eating your cookies :roll:

Author:  happyslappy [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  well

you have added opendns dns servers ( nout up with that )
but typing in
photobucket in as the url is not good tbh
if your browser took you to when you did that its probably google toolbar filling in the rest ( spyware by some standards )
now - opendns does the correct thing imo - what if there is a and unrelated sites ?
its not spyware its opendns doing the common sence aproche to resolving a unqualified domain name

Author:  Diablo-X [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: well

happyslappy wrote:
you have added opendns dns servers ( nout up with that )
but typing in
photobucket in as the url is not good (too lazy to type To Be Honest)
if your browser took you to when you did that its probably google toolbar filling in the rest ( spyware by some standards )
now - opendns does the correct thing imo - what if there is a and unrelated sites ?
its not spyware its opendns doing the common sence aproche to resolving a unqualified domain name

But this opendns website is just the same like..Live search on internet explorer which is equally annoying, one of the reasons I loved firefox is because I could just type, google, gamecommunity, imdb, without putting the address in at all and it automatically doing it for me, by default it would usually put in depending on which was more appropriate to me.

It's not google toolbar too btw lol, firefox has done it from day one, but meh guess I'll get rid of my opendns servers :(.


Author:  happyslappy [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  hmm

just tried it in firefox and mine goes straight there and im on opendns
no idea then

Author:  Diablo-X [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hmm

happyslappy wrote:
just tried it in firefox and mine goes straight there and im on opendns
no idea then

Oh cool thanks, I'll try google it some more.

Author:  Arma [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is the address still in your history of typed in addresses or have you cleaned out your private data recently?

Author:  Diablo-X [ Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Arma=GCHQ= wrote:
Is the address still in your history of typed in addresses or have you cleaned out your private data recently?

When I close firefox it kills private data, but I run CCleaner about 8 times a day :), like my comp to be optimized 24/7 you see, this DNS website malark is the only flaw on it at the moment :(.

EDIT: Ok it was infact because of the DNS server addresses I'm using, just got this off wiki

OpenDNS is a free DNS resolution service. It provides the following two recursive nameservers for public use:

* (
* (

Ok so I need to find a new DNS server address it seems, hmm.

Another EDIT: Found one :), everything works dandy now, I type photobucket in, and it finds it for me, and doesn't load another search engine ^^.

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