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 Post subject: Need help with buying a second external hard drive...
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:59 pm 
I love this better than my other 'arf

Joined: Tue May 15, 2007 4:11 pm
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I currently have a LaCie 300GB Lego Brick:
http://www.amazon.com/LaCie-Brick-Deskt ... B000CMGIRA

It's an awesome drive, fast and looks cute but it's very noisy. The fans run at full power *alllll the tiiiiime*, which can be rather irritating. It's also full though.

I'd like to buy a 1TB drive (possibly x2 500GB but it's more items to carry if there are power cables too, might settle for a 750GB if there was a good reason to). I don't really move it around much though I guess. I want a reliable drive that isn't very noisy. One that speeds up fans when it's hot rather than having it on all the time or something. Are fanless drives any good? I won't be running programs from it or anything though probably movies and music. Just storing work in progress and downloads mostly. I'll always keep a backup of photos after they come off the camera and every couple weeks or so backup important stuff onto the 300GB drive I already have so RAID isn't important. Must be USB not firewire. Also... I'm using a laptop so no I don't want an internal drive. ;)

Can anyone make any reccomendations? There's a lot of options:
http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Products ... &OrderBy=1

need *quiet* 1TB USB Ext. HD for storage.

 Post subject: Re: Need help with buying a second external hard drive...
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:38 am 
Not the Air rifle tho :o(
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Make sure it's got at least/ or more than 2 years warranty is all I know :roll: ..


 Post subject: Re: Need help with buying a second external hard drive...
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:55 pm 
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Ive got the first IcyBox they ever brought out(the new ones are better as LED isnt in ya face all the time...lol) but that was a western Digital Caviar SE16 in it which is fanless?(you mean without a fan in caddy right?) and it aint bad can be a bit clicky when worky but thats it............the new Caviar/western Digitals are pretty decent imo..........but thats plrob cos Im a cheapskate student.........lol

failing that if you like Lacie then go for the one desgined by porsche cant remember its name but its a popular one my mate had it was good but cooling wasnt great and it packed up after bout 3months(mind you he didnt turn it off for 3months so that cud have been it)

Hope that helps

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 Post subject: Re: Need help with buying a second external hard drive...
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:58 pm 
Only a 4ilbo ATM

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Have read alot about the WD ones. And alot of good reviews. Thinking of one myself.

Think ill perv on this topic tbh


 Post subject: Re: Need help with buying a second external hard drive...
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:35 am 
I love this better than my other 'arf

Joined: Tue May 15, 2007 4:11 pm
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Location: 'Shottingham'
i was fairly sure the porcshe design lacie hard drive was just the same as the lego brick one with a different cover. (Maxtor)

I'll look into the WD/Caviar ones later. Thanks.

 Post subject: Re: Need help with buying a second external hard drive...
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:03 pm 
Bow down to the master
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Its a lot cheaper to get a IDE or SATA HDD and then put it in a case (of a decent quality w/ a fan)

I bought a 500 Gb Sata (Hitachi I think) with a caddy (USB 2 w/ fan) for 70 quid ish.

It wont come with the backup software that pre-made ones have but then again, would you even use it?

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/productli ... 940&mfrid=

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/productli ... 4&subid=72

Is it worth the extra 30-50 quid just so you don't have to joint two things together with screws?

-"Jim: Corporate nomad. Gun for hire. Master of data manipulation and Practitioner of buzz-word fu."-

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