I currently have a LaCie 300GB Lego Brick:
http://www.amazon.com/LaCie-Brick-Deskt ... B000CMGIRAIt's an awesome drive, fast and looks cute but it's very noisy. The fans run at full power *alllll the tiiiiime*, which can be rather irritating. It's also full though.
I'd like to buy a 1TB drive (possibly x2 500GB but it's more items to carry if there are power cables too, might settle for a 750GB if there was a good reason to). I don't really move it around much though I guess. I want a reliable drive that isn't very noisy. One that speeds up fans when it's hot rather than having it on all the time or something. Are fanless drives any good? I won't be running programs from it or anything though probably movies and music. Just storing work in progress and downloads mostly. I'll always keep a backup of photos after they come off the camera and every couple weeks or so backup important stuff onto the 300GB drive I already have so RAID isn't important. Must be USB not firewire. Also... I'm using a laptop so no I don't want an internal drive.

Can anyone make any reccomendations? There's a lot of options:
http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Products ... &OrderBy=1tl;drneed *quiet* 1TB USB Ext. HD for storage.