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contract phone
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Author:  Danny28 [ Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  contract phone

Well i think i may get one for uni as my current mobile is getting on a bit and with all the calls backhome i thought it would be worthwhikle getting a contract for free minutes

Ideally, id like a contract phone (any phone at all) thats around £15 mark (if there is asuch a contract)

My friend got one from 3 and he got 1000 texts and 300minutes a month for £15 over 12months
Having just checked their website it looks like there's a revised version thats double mins and text 18month with 15quid for 12... would mean i lose out as id have 6months @30quid

If anyone can point me in the right direction id be most grateful. Ideally im lookign at something like 300mins on phone with maybe 100 texts (not really a texter)

£20 a month may be pushing it tho as i'll have broadband costs to factor in :( Really £15 is the target figure

Author:  Danny28 [ Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

bumpage :cry:
can nobody help poor pingonoid?

Author:  elbow=GCHQ= [ Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

personally....i'd say o2, vodafone or orange....(orange because then you are supporting the arts, vodafone are the mobile phone network, and o2 were bt, and bt r0xors...sort of...)

orange do a £19 a month plan (75 mins, 225 texts) and the sony w810i is a damned good phone, free with the plan.

o2...£19 a month, either 100 mins/50 texts or 75 mins/300 texts...K800i phone is free <--CYBERSHOT BRANDED PHONE WOOP WOOP

vodafone £20 a month 125 minutes and 250 texts, K800i
or...£8 for 6

don't like 3 personally...i'd say o2 ftw.....

Author:  Bocker [ Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

T-mobile are good :) I have mine with them. I pay £30 a month and I get 500mins and 250 text. The mins are anytime and network. :) free samsung D600.
oh and I have yet to have any signal problems :P

Author:  elbow=GCHQ= [ Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh yeah, tmobile run their own network too....but never liked their tarifs...

Author:  Danny28 [ Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Got the deal i was after

Each month....

300 free minutes any network
1000 texts
(^^BOTH of these DOUBLE for the first 6 months)
50 video call minutes
50 video/pic messagse
£5 of downloads

18month contract @ £15 per month with 3 plus i can claim £40 in acccessories!!!

Its a refurbished phone (the online one is selling new phones hence the 12month at £15 then remainder of contract at £30)

I'm either getting an N70 (nokia) or a razr v3x (motorola)
Probably the n70 as i dont like the v3x menus and texting position.

Any objections/Something i need to know before i go out and get this?
The tariff i think is quoted as "DTT1400"

Well pleased as i couldnt afford anything higher than that but wanted that kind of the vodafone ones i saw had 75mins for 20quid/m and that wouldnt be enough to cover ringing home from uni (which is one of its purposes)

Thanks for the help anyway lads :D

Author:  elbow=GCHQ= [ Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

get the nokia...i've found the mics on teh razrs distinctly.....cruddy :P

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