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I've done all the research but i still can't decide
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Author:  Skrunk =GCHQ= [ Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  I've done all the research but i still can't decide

Right then, I not too recently sold my psp, leaving me without something to play with when im away from me pc lol, I also broke my Archos 404 (r.i.p) so I have no mp3 player atm.
So here the brief, I want a device that has WiFi and a decent browser, capability to play music, Customisabilty (3rd party apps etc)
So the obvious choice is a smart phone or a PDA right?? Phones are too expensive and PDA's are also quite steep if you want the cream of the crop.
So the two i have come down to are the iPod Touch (WiFi, 8gb memory, SDK in feb leading to 3rd party apps, wicked GUI) and the newly announced Nokia 810 Internet tablet (WiFi, 2gb memory with space for 8gb memory card, GPS and map packs included, Hardware keyboard, Company support for 3rd party apps, Camera)

The iPod is an MP3 player that can surf the web
and the 810 is a web surfer that can play MP3's

Their both around £200, they both have touchscreens and they both meet the specs required

The iPod has that wow factor (aka the stolen factor)
The Nokia has the everyday usability, also has a camera

I'm really leaning towards the Nokia after having a play on the N800
Anyone got an N800 to warn me of possible problems with the N810??? Or anyone with an iPod Touch???

plz halp me lol

Author:  Colt Seavers [ Sat Oct 27, 2007 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

used neither. i'd say i pod touch though 8) its likely to sound better ;) no idea about battery life though - which if it's for the amount of tinkering you describe whilst away from home will be important. if your spending 200 notes i'd say it's worth getting your hands on the both and having a play about first.....responsiveness and interface are likely to be big factors.

edit: yep, was going to say, problem with an underpowered pocket pc wannabe is that the technology is there for so much more and so nokia will move on and lose interest. at least you have a bit more logevity with the ipod. sluggishness ftl for me - i like things that do things it says on the tin ;)

Author:  Skrunk =GCHQ= [ Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah I played around with the predecessor to the N810 (N800) and the two things i noted were the aweful on screen keyboard and the sluggishness of the device, Day later the N810 is released avec real keyboard and better cpu :?
Well its released in the UK in a couple of weeks so i'll ave a play then......anyone wanna lend me the iPod touch lol

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