IF you are looking to upgrade your mouse but are not flush
"wit de moneh" then the one I just bought today could be for you.
When playing fear I was finding it hard to keep everything I needed on easy to reach keys.
I decided to go for a mouse with more than three buttons but they were all quite expensive.
Then by chance I stumbled across an argos catalogue to find they have begun stocking a new "cheapo" make "mikomi".
There was an 8 button mouse (5 for games) at only £16.99 , thinking where's the catch I surfed looking for some reviews.
I never found any but I did find that the mouse in question is a exact rip off of a logitec one
Well I bought it (might aswell ,that price) and imho it seems to be quite well made, sturdy, nice and clicky, accurate everything I need in a mouse.
one bad point, if you have quite small thumbs (like me) the forward button is abit hard to reach.
score for value and stuff:
score may plummet if it snaps in half after a day or two.
it is a corded optical mouse at 800dpi