Diablo-X wrote:
Damn dell sucks..
Have you ever had a Dell product?
Okay, my 3d card on my *Dell* laptop wore out and started giving blue screens, they fixed it within ONE working day. I bent the pin in the middle of the connector for the power cable and bent it back... 2 months later it came off and was stuck in the laptop, they just sent a guy around to replace the ac adapter, power cord AND motherboard on the spot. I mentioned that the CD drive vibrated a little more than it should have done (and it did) and that the palm rest was wearing out to the technician replacing that stuff... and they replaced both the next day I was free.
What service are you going to get with ebuyer? Besides, if Morth *phones* up, he can probably knock the price down a reasonable amount like I did on my XPS anyway.
With Dell imo, you are paying for the service. Hell, when I bought it I was going on holiday and they managed to get it to arrive at my house the day I requested a couple hours after I got home. Anyway, that's my opinion based on my experience with Dell, can't say anything bad about them, but then maybe I'm the only customer they love, I dunno.
The screen on my XPS M1710 is "TrueLife" too, I don't know the difference between the normal ones, it's nicer than the TFT at home though that's for sure. Glossy but not too reflective. It's still not any good in sunlight but outside in the shade it's okay. Inside, the screen brightness is good and the images are very good. Good contrast and sharp.
Dunno what to say about the 3d card really, I have a similar one but nvidea that's all.