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 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:12 pm 
Bow down to the master
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gmar=GCHQ= wrote:
Creating Vista was a huge project when every line of code was rewritten using .net tech. It may look like XP but thats just skin deep, give it time it'll be great. Its not so much the new ME and the new NT 3.51. (which looked like win3.1 but definitely wasn't)

The next release will undoubtably build upon the new base and give us all those nice features that were missed out.

Most of what is "wrong" with Vista is the drivers and they are written by other people.

I have just started studying WWF, WPF and WCF at my new job, (google them). All three, WPF in partictular will revolutionise the was program look and are written, amazing stuff not to be sniffed at. This interacts with Aero at a low level so we will see in the future apps which use the new tech, right now there aren;t any, so aero ends up loking like a white elephant, its not! Just wait and see, time will tell.

ps I am not Chad ok!


I second all this.

And the whole point about rewritting lots of the kernel in vista was for higher turn around rate. They wanted to release a new OS every 2-3 year.

But you rather wanna wait 6-7 years i see?

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 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:01 pm 
Thai lady boy
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Well I'll see when the service pack runs how it goes. I do want to like it but at the moment they need to sort it. :)
As for a new OS every 2 years, dunno how great that is, fine if you upgrade your hardware a lot otherwise its not going to interest that many people, cant see many business upgrading an OS every two years.

Ultima Ratio Regum

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 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:18 pm 
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gmar=GCHQ= wrote:

I have just started studying WWF, WPF and WCF at my new job, (google them).

Got as far as googling the first of them, and I really don't understand what saving fluffy animals has to do with Vista or Microsoft.

Please keep your posts relevant from now on thanks.


LINUX : If it was any good, they'd charge for it.
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 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:26 pm 
Bow down to the master
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cool stuff, but.................

this means nothing to meeeee,
this means nothing to meeeee,
oooooooooooooooh Vienna

:roll: :lol: 8)

mmmmYou sir, are a swaggering addlepated jackanapes!

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:31 pm 
Made in Taiwan
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EkO=GCHQ= wrote:
gmar=GCHQ= wrote:

I have just started studying WWF, WPF and WCF at my new job, (google them).

Got as far as googling the first of them, and I really don't understand what saving fluffy animals has to do with Vista or Microsoft.

Please keep your posts relevant from now on thanks.


Yea my bad for using unknown acronyms. For those who may be wondering, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation and Windows Communications Foundation. That may help.


Don't worry Sony, I'll just cancel my date of birth and get a new one.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:45 pm 
Decidedly uninterested
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Chadk=GCHQ= wrote:
gmar=GCHQ= wrote:
Creating Vista was a huge project when every blah...blah..blah...blah...(all very worthy mind)...blah...blah a white elephant, its not! Just wait and see, time will tell.

ps I am not Chad ok!


I second all this.

And the whole point about rewritting lots of the kernel in vista was for higher turn around rate. They wanted to release a new OS every 2-3 year.

But you rather wanna wait 6-7 years i see?

Chadk missing the point that it takes 6-7 years to get Windoze stable and something like an OS that punters want to use.... :roll:

Basically, it is another ME - an MS stopgap to keep revenues up while they bring out the actual souped up version of Windoze that their Marketing Dept. had been claiming Vista was :roll: 'Under the hood' improvements are all well and good, but it's nothing that you can see, as such nothing tangible has been delivered in the perception of the masses and hence why Vista will be judged a flop by Joe Public. Stating that "The next release will undoubtably build upon the new base and give us all those nice features that were missed out.", seems to imply that this hasn't been lost on you!

I'm not belittling - I still applaud them for their beta testing and extremely belated tackling of the piss-poor security - the hard work that has obviously gone into Vista and agree with you on the 3rd party drivers (Hallooooo nVidia), but repeatedly delaying it and then telling everyone all the cool stuff is in the next version is commercial suicide :lol: No wonder Bill isn't running the show anymore...

The Pancreas of S.T.F.U. | Never take life too seriously - nobody gets out alive anyway.
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 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:08 pm 
The Groundkeeper
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On June 23, 2006, the WinFS team at Microsoft announced that WinFS would no longer be delivered as a separate product.

With that announcement, most analysts assumed that the WinFS project was being killed off. But in November 2006, Steve Ballmer said in an interview that WinFS is being actively developed but integration into the Windows codebase will come only after the technology has fully incubated.

What is incubated?


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 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:25 am 
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Caspius=GCHQ= wrote:
On June 23, 2006, the WinFS team at Microsoft announced that WinFS would no longer be delivered as a separate product.

With that announcement, most analysts assumed that the WinFS project was being killed off. But in November 2006, Steve Ballmer said in an interview that WinFS is being actively developed but integration into the Windows codebase will come only after the technology has fully incubated.

What is incubated?

Sounds viral :twisted:

The Pancreas of S.T.F.U. | Never take life too seriously - nobody gets out alive anyway.
Disco_jim: um..... I have no excuse. | Chips: Thank the Beef | Rev Dr: Beef, I think i wee'd a little

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 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:26 am 
Saints ftw!!
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Tao=GCHQ= wrote:
cant see many business upgrading an OS every two years.

lol - we still ghost win 2000 onto all the desktops for a couple of our biggest customers at work :D

Insert unfunny comment here ->

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 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:33 am 
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We still have 6 NT boxes :lol:

The Pancreas of S.T.F.U. | Never take life too seriously - nobody gets out alive anyway.
Disco_jim: um..... I have no excuse. | Chips: Thank the Beef | Rev Dr: Beef, I think i wee'd a little

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:43 am 
Thai lady boy
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Place I worked last year/year before they had 10 grands worth of orders coming in daily on a win95 machine, and the email was running on 98. :roll: :D

Ultima Ratio Regum

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 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:11 am 
Yarrr ye dogs
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With the prices of Vista and it's 24 versions to choose from I'm putting off upgrading an OS for a long time. :lol:


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 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:07 pm 
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LeBeourfCurtaine wrote:
We still have 6 NT boxes :lol:

our main signalling system still runs on DOS :lol: the underground outdated ? never !

War, War never changes.

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 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:22 pm 
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Grey Wolf=GCHQ= wrote:
With the prices of Vista and it's 24 versions to choose from I'm putting off upgrading an OS for a long time. :lol:

Under £100 for an OEM Ultimate edtion. :wink: :)


The Road!

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:02 pm 
vista will be a great operating system, you have to remember that when they are developing OS's they have to design bearing in mind technology that might not even be on the horizon, taking second guesses on what to support, how fast peoples PC's will be, all that gubbins, couple that with the fact that development isnt a quick process, no matter how much manpower is behind it, its amazing we get anything useable at all!

i think 1 and a half years from now, most people will have switched, apart from the diehard 'im retro, id prefer to look at lines of code' guys.

its been the same with every upgrade, even 3.1 to me, most people complained, looking back now its VERY easy to see how superior even a buggy windows 98 was in a different class to 3.1, personally i see the same for xp and 98. so i presume ill think exactly the same in the future about XP looking back from my shiny vista desktop in many years time.

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