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 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:11 pm 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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and by hand in life you mean hand smacking him on his bottom :thumbr:

i think were split right down the middle of this one....... conclusion.......... there is not correct way to deal with the kid

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 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:09 pm 
Not the Air rifle tho :o(
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Joo, beating/physically harming children = wrong.

if I had more time I'd elaberate more but I shouldn't have to really :roll: .


 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:49 am 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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did i say physically harm a child? and whats a child anyway? the notion of childhood is socially constructed anyway, a man in the US civil war times was around 13 and even less during your civil war, elsewhere in the world a man is 12 or so, and they are allowed to raise a family.

your all getting off point focusing on the word "beat".... im using that losely as many southern Americans do to mean spank a child.... usually on the behind... the grandmother in the video cant because that is classified as 'childabuse' which is bull.

you dont have to elaberate because well all no child abuse is wrong... ie.... putting your cigarrete out on a kids arm = wrong.... punching a kid in the face = wrong, kid porn or sexual malestation = wrong

...... but spanking a kid on the bottom as i am advocating, or putting him in time out for an hour or so, or making him to an ass load of chores.... is perfectly fine and in other countries he would get a hell of a lot worse. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
Homer - "Ok, lets get fast food and do it twice" (explains my marriage to a tee)

 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:53 am 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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in my house and many others in the south, where corparal punishment is still alive and works..... he would get a belt or small board on his ass as few times (5-10) depending on how the grandmother/mother demmed necessary + grounding for at least a month or so + chores to pay back enough to pay for the damages both to his grandmothers property and others + a time out a something like that..... its a serious f**king offense especially where the cop asks him "did you know it was wrong?" and he says "yeah, but i wanted to"

if thats wrong what you all do about it??? and nothing above is child abuse. :thumbr:

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
Homer - "Ok, lets get fast food and do it twice" (explains my marriage to a tee)

 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:57 am 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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[QBS]Dr.Strangelove wrote:

having worked with children who fell into the catergory of NAI (non accidental injury)

what the hell is that....? (non accidental injury)???? seems made up by liberals imo, but then again i could be wrong.

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
Homer - "Ok, lets get fast food and do it twice" (explains my marriage to a tee)

 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 8:37 am 
that was a stupid comment btw
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well you do have alot to say for your self ill give you that
maybe some smaller posts eh ? we dont more post like the epics kaldru can write :)


 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 12:30 pm 
Bow down to the master
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Joo i have sent you a pm regarding NAI

mmmmYou sir, are a swaggering addlepated jackanapes!

 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 8:21 pm 
embarisment to america - dipshit

Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:19 am
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thanks, and heres a small post just a question

to every one....

what would you do to repremand the kid, and i would like it if anyone who has the time to answer please.

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
Homer - "Ok, lets get fast food and do it twice" (explains my marriage to a tee)

 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 8:26 pm 
call me J-Lo ;-)
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Lock them in the cellar with a catholic priest

Yeah, but a good joke is a good joke - Lemon=GCHQ=
It is JGC right? Or did i just piss my pants in front the geeks? - Wowyouareacow
Just loading up now....
Stay Frosty

 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:25 pm 
Not the Air rifle tho :o(
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'did i say physically harm a child?' - Spanking, harms the child physically I believe

'whats a child anyway?' - Typically someone under the age of 13, although it varies, but here around 17 your classed as a Young Adult, so before that.

'but spanking a kid on the bottom as i am advocating, or putting him in time out for an hour or so, or making him to an ass load of chores.... is perfectly fine and in other countries he would get a hell of a lot worse.' - I'm specifically talking about the spanking bit, I'm all for time outs and chores, at least from this he learns something productive.

Basically if you hit a child when it's not doing something you want, the child learns that to get people to do what he wants, he just has to hit them - This brings around all the violent chavs and thugs you see on the streets today...although most have probably gone through worse and had the hitting with boards etc that you want, the ones that simply got spanked probably turned out okish, depending on intensity of course..


 Post subject: Re: Grand Theft Auto 7 Year Old
 Post Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:32 pm 
call me J-Lo ;-)
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Yeah, but a good joke is a good joke - Lemon=GCHQ=
It is JGC right? Or did i just piss my pants in front the geeks? - Wowyouareacow
Just loading up now....
Stay Frosty

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