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 Post subject: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:09 am 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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i know they are advocating no war, but is it anarchy as well, the fat guy is off the cover of the book Oligopoly and propbably somewhere else as well, but what exactly does everyone think they are after?

I think the music tho

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 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:25 pm 
Humping a Super Model
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All I saw was a cover version of Phil Collins and a video that just so wanted to be by pink floyd.

Am I missing something?

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 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:49 pm 
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i like disturbed's music, and the animation was nice, but apart from that, i couldn't care less what their or anyone elses view on politics/... is

i listen to music because it sounds good, not because it has meaning :)

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 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:33 pm 
Humping a Super Model
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I challenge anyone to say this isn't better?

LINUX : If it was any good, they'd charge for it.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep just like my Grandad, not kicking and screaming like his passengers...

 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:27 pm 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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lol, yeah thats pretty good too. but i have to say that Michael Jacksons mockup was the scariest., and im not quite sure what all the water was for.

also as to my vid, i also could care less what a musican's or actor's political veiws are because often they are the ones that make the dumbest choices in politics.

and yes i like the animation, and the puppets, i was just wondering what everyone thought they were getting at.

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
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 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:31 pm 
Comin' outta Gallifrey
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nice steampunk googles

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 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:56 pm 
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Awesome song, awesome video.

but what exactly does everyone think they are after?

also as to my vid, i also could care less what a musican's or actor's political veiws are because often they are the ones that make the dumbest choices in politics.

i was just wondering what everyone thought they were getting at.



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 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:14 pm 
embarisment to america - dipshit

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WTF??? I was stimulating conversation. Damn

Before all else, be armed. - Niccolo Machiavelli

"The only thing that would make me feel better now is to be titty slapped around by a coked out russian whore" - Tracy Jordan (30 Rock)

Marge - "Show me the time of my life"
Homer - "Ok, lets get fast food and do it twice" (explains my marriage to a tee)

 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:25 pm 
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elbow=GCHQ= wrote:
nice steampunk googles

aye, i noticed that as well :smile:

they look a bit like atome fabrik's aviators

The banhammer thirsts for tards | There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'.

 Post subject: Re: disturbed question
 Post Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:04 am 
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the Video was a but.

not to get fat, stay slim.

Some Super Wannabe Nazi Soldiers.

And a rebellion lead by some smiling Demon

Yay Cartoon'style 4 ever


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