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 Post subject: Re: First pc build
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:57 pm 
it is I! Diabetes man!
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Stranglehold wrote:
I've got one now anyways...better to be safe than sorry, might get nekkid as well but that will just be for fun :grin:

as you put the psu in first.. you can always connect the lead to it... and when you touch the case anyway....any static will discharge to the case anyway when you touch it..


Went to a zoo, they only had one animal there, a dog............. It was a shitzu....

I’z leakin… bring amberlamps

 Post subject: Re: First pc build
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:50 pm 
The Groundkeeper
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EkO=GCHQ= wrote:
Can remember not that long ago, I rang a local "pc specialist" asking if they had anti-static wrist bands in stock. They laughed at me, stating that nobody uses them anymore as modern equipment isn't affected. :s

Scary. Why do they still put everything in anti-static bags when you buy it? Ram especially is still at risk as far as I know.

The component you installed may appear to be fine, but days, weeks, or months later your PC may lock up or start acting strangely. A dead board or RAM module is easy to diagnose if it doesn't work immediately after you install it, but low-voltage static charges can also cause latent damage, destroying a few gates out of the millions in a typical integrated circuit. That damage can be almost impossible to diagnose, and may not cause problems for a long time. It's also quite possible that you might never take precautions to avoid static and yet never lose a component to static damage.

To give you an idea of how little static electricity needs to be generated to cause harm to your computer components, it takes as little as 5 to 10 volts to cause damage inside your computer. In order for you to even feel the presence of static electricity, the level needs to be above 1,500 volts. You can accumulate an average of 10,000 to 12,000 volts just walking across carpeting. Rubbing a balloon on dry fur (or hair) generates about 20,000 volts. Did you know the average person can carry up to 25,000 volts of static energy at any given time? So discharging any built up energy before you begin is important.

As nicey says just touching the power supply, as long as its plugged in and switched off will remove any static. The odds are you won't have any but its better being safe than sorry. Its also one thing not to worry about once you've assembled the parts and switch it on and nothing happens. :razz:



 Post subject: Re: First pc build
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:25 am 
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Hey sorry to bother again about this but could i get away with the standard cpu cooler that comes with the processor on this or is a better one definately required for it???

Got everything but the graphics card en-route and paydays on the 16th so should be building soon and then i'll join you folks on BFBC2 :grin: havnt played anything with you guys since the css days :geek:


 Post subject: Re: First pc build
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:00 am 
The Groundkeeper
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Standard Cooler is fine as long as you don't want to overclock to any extent. i5 runs pretty cool anyway.


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