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 Post subject: in the event of a server restart over easter...
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:05 pm 
it is I! Diabetes man!
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it probably wont show in the game browser..... so you/anyone wont see it to join...

also...it will probably disappear from your favourites/history.

This is a fault on EA's plasma server...
from EA.

Your server has an unique GUID, which gets sent to Plasma upon connecting.
As long as you do not reinstall your server, it will keep that GUID forever.
Now, when Plasma has some hiccups and drops some game servers, it will
still have some GUIDs from disconnected servers cached. If that is the case, your server can't restart,
it will reboot like every 15 seconds because Plasma refuses the connection due
to duplicate GUIDs. The only way to resolve this is either reinstalling your server
which will generate a new GUID (that will make people lose your server from
favorites and history) or EA has to restart Plasma (which will cause ALL servers
to disconnect) which will clear its GUID cache. They will do this most likely
very early in the morning when not many people play.

to quote rackage(server provider)

if your server goes down (or you restart it), it will be the same as a couple weeks back where the servers are 'ghosted'.

You will either not be able to restart your server or it will be 'greyed out' in the the server list.

Nothing at all we can do about this, it has been reported but most of the EA/DICE staff are away for the Easter weekend.


Went to a zoo, they only had one animal there, a dog............. It was a shitzu....

I’z leakin… bring amberlamps

 Post subject: Re: in the event of a server restart over easter...
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:13 pm 
a norweigen silly curtain loving bitch
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stay away from procon ian :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Follow it is I teh Diabetes man on TWITTER

 Post subject: Re: in the event of a server restart over easter...
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:42 pm 
The Groundkeeper
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Why can't they just clear the cache, I thought that was the thing about cache's. Or is it just a simple explanation for something thats much more complicated.

Maybe if they allowed people to cache the server list locally it wouldn't be suce a problem anyway.


 Post subject: Re: in the event of a server restart over easter...
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:52 pm 
that was a stupid comment btw
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Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:40 pm
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Maybe if they allowed people to cache the server list locally it wouldn't be suce a problem anyway.

would be with the GID`s changing


 Post subject: Re: in the event of a server restart over easter...
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:31 am 
The Groundkeeper
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Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:59 pm
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happyslappy wrote:
Maybe if they allowed people to cache the server list locally it wouldn't be suce a problem anyway.

would be with the GID`s changing

Arr bum never thought of that. :s


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