this is an injector for bf3...there are different views on it on how pb will react...
it enhances BF3 colours..gets rid of some of the blueish..and sharpens objects...
I have run it on and off for a few days...and run on pb and gcc protected servers...
GCC say they can see nothing wrong in it..and pb should'nt either....
they dont go the whole way and say it is perfectly safe.
In my view...if you are going to get anything by will be a kick for driver issue..
The use of this file is totally reversible by just delting the files in the bf3 folder...
it is upto you wether you try it or not... I am..because it improves the quality of the game.
It is not a cheat or hack..just a colour corrector.
the file can be obtained from here
Went to a zoo, they only had one animal there, a dog............. It was a shitzu....
I’z leakin… bring amberlamps