Conquest Assault: One team starts with all flags, but no homebase, the other team has a home base and more initial tickets. If the team with the homebase manages to cap all enemy flags and kill everyone on the enemy team the game can end before the tickets run out, because the enemy team has nothing left to spawn then.
Conquest Domination: Actually pretty much like Conquest, only on very small maps (the new CQ maps) with very small capping radius and the flag can be capped way quicker
Gun Master: Everyone starts out with a handgun and has to get two kills to progress to the next weapon, after the first handgun you'll get the Raffica, then the magnum, afterwards PDW's and so on and you always need to get two kills with them. Everytime you get a new weapon you gain a new mode "level" and the first person who makes it to Level 17 has to get a kill with the knife to win the round.
In Gun Master Mode you also cannot play a kit, you'll only have weapons, no medikit, no TUGS, no claymore and so on, just pure weapons.
Went to a zoo, they only had one animal there, a dog............. It was a shitzu....
I’z leakin… bring amberlamps